Today Jane is 3! Already? Or is it "finally!" Depends on the day. Man, she sure did have a lot of hair. I remember thinking that it was cute, but now I think it looks kind of funny. Baby with a wig comes to mind.
Jane is supposed to be taking a nap right now since she is going to be up late because we are going out to dinner, but I can hear her up there talking and giggling. She keeps opening up her door and saying goofy things, then shutting her door.
Let's see...right now, Jane is really into her two Chipmunks, Chip and Dale. She got them while she was at Disneyland. She prefers Chip over Dale, Chip is like the "handsome" one of the two. She is really good at night when we read scriptures. It's funny to hear her repeat the lines after I say them because there are all these words and phrases coming out of her mouth that toddlers don't usually say.
I'm trying to put a stop to all the "potty talk" that she says. Seriously, it's always pee this, poop that. Bum Bum here, a private part there...drives me crazy.
She is a really nice little and big sister. She is the peacemaker out of the two oldest. She is nice about letting her older, maybe a tad big more demanding, older sister, have the right of way most of the time.
She loves yogurt drinks and would drink a whole 6 pack a day if I would let her.
She also really loves cereal, just like her dad, but she doesn't like to drink milk, just like her mom.
She had a My Little Pony birthday party and she kept saying, "I'm so excited!"
We love you Jane Girl.
Aw, Happy Birthday Jane!! Can't believe she's getting that big already.
3...didnt realize her and Tommy were that close? So fun! Cant wait to make them date and say: "remember when you would only be naked that one Christmas"?
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